Delay Function In Dev C

Delay in C: delay function is used to suspend execution of a program for a particular time.

Declaration: void delay(unsigned int);

Here unsigned int is the number of milliseconds (remember 1 second = 1000 milliseconds). To use delay function in your program you should include the 'dos.h' header file which is not a part of standard C library.

Delay function in dev c++

The normal way to do delays is to use a system timer function. Most processors have a timer peripheral that you can read. If the timer doesn't give you the option to set an interrupt after a given delay (allows you to 'sleep' during the wait) then you can read the time once, then loop until the time has go up by at least the desired delay. It is basically an idea to provide you a current clock time and for this current time you can add the extra time. Which leads to an a delay in the time. Also note that if the current clock is less than the required clock.

Delay Function In Dev C

Delay in C program

If you don't wish to use delay function then you can use loops to produce delay in a C program.


int main()
int c, d;
for(c =1; c <=32767; c++)
for(d =1; d <=32767; d++)

We have not written any statement in the loop body. You may write some statements that doesn't affect logic of the program.

C programming code for delay

#include<stdlib.h>Delay Function In Dev C

printf('This C program will exit in 10 seconds.n');


Delay Function In Dev C++

Delay Function In Dev C

Delay Function In Dev C++


This C program exits in ten seconds, after the printf function is executed the program waits for 10000 milliseconds or 10 seconds and then it terminates.