Delete A Bin Weevils Account

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How To Delete A Bin Weevils Account Bin Weevils Show Bin Weevils Crossword Answers Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The game “Bin Weevils” was made in 2003 and launched in 2004. There are many blogs about “Bin Weevils”, to see mine. There is SWF’s (Shock wave files). Many people know them which mean Bin Weevils had been hacked, you can see lots on my Bin Weevils blog. You can make up to 60 buddies.

To get in touch with the Bin Weevils Team, please email: – don’t forget to include your Weevil Name!

To become a Bin Weevil is FREE, but if you want to unlock loads of cool extras in the Bin World such as owning a magazine and disco business you will have to become a Bin Tycoon member. To become a Bin Tycoon check out the Membership section.

Mulch is weevil money. You can see how much mulch you have by looking on the left side of your screen. To spend your mulch click on the map button and go to the Shopping Mall. Here you can buy loads of cool nest items

There are many ways to earn Mulch. Each day, you can play the Brain Strain game in Lab’s Laboratory. You can only play once a day but it is a great way to earn Mulch.

You can also earn Mulch by playing other games around the Bin, such as Weevils Wheels, Mulch Tastic, Konnect Mulch, pool, Crosswords and Word searches. Just have a walk around all the areas and you#ll soon find a great game to play!

Keeping your weevil in tip top condition gives you the fastest possible way to earn experience points. When your Bin Weevil levels-up you will unlock new features such as games, nest items and special moves.

There are 3 things you need to do to care for your weevil:
1. Keep it FIT – the fitter your weevil is, the faster its energy will refill, meaning it can perform special moves more often. You can check your fitness levels on the Fitness bar.
2. Keep it FED – a hungry weevil will become unhappy and also unfit. It will also limit the amount of energy it has to perform special moves. You can check your health levels on the Health bar.
3. Keep it HAPPY – Keeping your weevil happy means it can earn more experience points and therefore level up faster! You can check your happiness level on the Happiness tool bar.

To level up, you need to earn Experience Points. To see how much experience your weevil has, hover your mouse over the Level icon.

You can earn Experience Points (XP) in a variety of Bin activities such as:

  • Buying nest items in the Shopping Mall
  • Getting your nest rooms rated by other weevils (the more rooms you have, the more experience you will earn)
  • Taking part in the Daily Brain Strain in Lab’s Laboratory
  • Playing multiplayer games
  • Taking part in SWS missions

Keep it fit by performing various special moves such as dancing, jumping and flapping your arms around like a crazy weevil! To do these moves click on the green action button and select a move.

Everytime you level up, you will be rewarded a new special move. Sometimes the special move will be an upgrade to an existing move, you can tell because they will be coloured differently. To perform a more impressive move, click and hold on the move until it has finished cycling through the colours, then release and click on the floor to perform the move.

You can buy food from Tum’s Diner (found in Rum’s Airport) or Figg’s Cafe (found beside Rigg’s Palladium).

There are loads of ways to keep your Bin Weevil happy, such as:

  • Buying nest items in the Shopping Mall
  • Rating other Bin Weevils’ nests
  • Playing multiplayer games including Weevil Wheels
  • Watching videos in Riggs Palladium
  • Playing the Daily Brain Strain game
  • Completing crosswords and word searches.

Nest rating is when another Bin Weevil visits your nest and rates each room buy clicking on the rating Stars. Your nest score will be displayed on your Nest Score board inside your nest. Please remember, just because a Bin Weevil is visiting your nest it does not mean they have to rate your nest. If they choose not to this is their choice and you cannot force them.

Click on the Bin Weevil you wish to invite to your nest. Then click on the Invite To My Nest button. Sending out a nest invitation does not necessarily mean the other Bin Weevil will accept it and visit your nest.

To make things fair in the Bin, you can only get your nest rated 8 times per room, per day. So the more rooms you have, the more ratings you can get, and therefore more experience you can earn in a day.

Your weevil looks unhappy because your food, fitness and happiness levels are low. To make your weevil happy again increase your food, fitness and happiness levels. You Bin Weevils face will change depending on its happiness

To buy more rooms visit Rigg’s Property Shop in the Shopping Mall. If you are not a Bin Tycoon you are only able to buy 1 extra room for your nest.
Bin Tycoons can have up to 8 rooms. The more rooms you have, the more experience you could earn.

First you will need some nest items, visit the Shopping Mall to buy some, then go back to your nest to decorate your room.

The delivery time is the time that you have to wait before the nest item you have bought appears in your My Stuff treasure box.

Your nest items will be delivered to your ‘My Stuff’ treasure chest in your nest. Click on the treasure chest to see all your nest items.

Simply click and hold your mouse down on the nest item and drag it around the screen. When you are happy with its position let go of the mouse.

You will need to achieve a higher level. This will unlock new features, special moves, nest items and SWS missions.

A nest power generator provides fuel to power your nest. The more rooms and nest items you have, the more fuel you will need.

You will need to top-up your power. To do this click on your nest power generator and select how much fuel you want to buy.

To make friends you can send them a Buddy Request. To do this click on the Bin Weevil you want to be friends with and then click on the Buddy Request button. If they accept your request their Bin Weevil name will be added to your Buddy List.

A Buddy List is a list of all your Bin Weevil friends. You can have up to 60 buddies. If your Buddy List is full you will have to delete some buddies to add new buddies.

Click on their name and click on the red X on their profile.

You can only send a private message to Bin Weevils that are on your Buddy List. To do so, click on the buddy you wish to send a message to, click on the envelope and type a message. The message will be sent to their Nest Mail box. Remember all messages on Bin Weevils are being watched by moderators

At the moment, you can only have 1 Bin pet.

Keep your pet health and happy you have to make sure it sleeps, eats and exercises.

To feed your pet, buy pet food from the Pet Shop in the Shopping Mall. Click on the pet bowl and add food, your pet will then eat the food.

The more you play with your pet the fitter and healthier it will be and the quicker your pets experience will go up. The higher experience your pet has the more cool things it will be able to do.
To play with your pet simply click on your pet and then select from the different pet actions that are on display.

To become an SWS Agent click on Tink (red weevil picture in your nest) and you will have to complete a mission that takes you around the Bin World. When you become a SWS Agent this will unlock more missions and secret areas around the Bin. You do not need to be a Bin Tycoon member to do this

When you become a Bin Tycoon, a camera Icon will appear on the bottom right of your screen. Click on this and select a frame, then click on the Red Button on the top of your screen. To look at your pictures click on the camera icon.

Weevil Weekly is the official Bin Weevils magazine with all the Bin News. To read Weevil Weekly visit the Weevil Post in Rigg’s Palladium.

To earn a trophy on Weevil Wheels you will need to match these racing times:
Track 1:
bronze 0:45 / silver 0:37 / gold 0:30

Track 2:
bronze 1:30 / silver 1:15 / gold 1:00

Track 3:
bronze 1:50 / silver 1:35 / gold 1:20

have registered for Bin Tycoon but I have not received 5000 mulch, what should I do?

To collect your 5000 mulch please visit the cash machine in Rigg’s Palladium


User: pokemon4933s

Password: party

Delete A Bin Weevils Accounts

User: Gene-simmonns

Password: gene

User: hellomanu

Password: hello

User: sqoud

Password: party

User: reach123

Password: gemma


User: lulu554

Password: lulu999

User: leona999

Password: leona

User: tycross

Password: fan

User: nathan8542


Password: gun

User: sammy7447

Password: pat

User: spurs8531

Password: boomer1000

User: Goza

Password: goza

User: agenc

Delete A Bin Weevils Account

Password: lola

User: sweetspakle

Password: cookie

User: samsam

Password: sam

User: little-dosh

Password: dosh

User: 619

Password: 619

Othernot tycoon
Stats100% success rate (4 votes)
Delete a bin weevils accounts

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OtherHACK ME!!
Stats85% success rate (20 votes)

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Otheri have a binpet ok
Stats78% success rate (27 votes)

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Otherplease make me bintycoon
Stats75% success rate (4 votes)

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Otherlvl 62 promise
Stats62% success rate (13 votes)

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Other6000000000000000000000000 dosh
Stats60% success rate (15 votes)

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Delete Bin Weevils Account

OtherLvl 38 and has a binpet called GRANGER
Stats60% success rate (5 votes)

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Otherbin pet and 107 dosh
Stats57% success rate (152 votes)

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Otherbeast in the world
Stats57% success rate (577 votes)

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Passwordi will tell you if tick yes!!!!!!!
Otherlevel 22 or 23
Stats56% success rate (832 votes)

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Othercool acount
Stats56% success rate (41 votes)

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Passwordnot telling till 1 vote
Otherlevel 65 works 100000000 dosh 999999999
Stats56% success rate (2364 votes)

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Otherlevel 65 no joke!!
Stats55% success rate (955 votes)

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Other7685 mulch and 4352 dosh level 94
Stats55% success rate (101 votes)

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Otheri am got 10000000000000dosh
Stats54% success rate (469 votes)

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Passwordtick then see password
Otherlevel 28 tycoon 2 binpet
Stats54% success rate (802 votes)

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Otherit works all the time so vote me

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Passwordtick first
Otherfamous and has 36 dosh and 57323 mulch
Stats53% success rate (979 votes)

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Otherim a bin tycoon so please go on mine
Stats51% success rate (296 votes)

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Delete A Bin Weevils Account Permanently

Otheris a tycoon level 29 has a bin pet
Stats51% success rate (851 votes)

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about: level 18, 5043 mulch, 1 dosh , 5 rooms locked is not bintycoon sorry.

about: level 24, 2505 mulch, 10 dosh, all rooms, is a bintycoon.

about: level 11, 23709 mulch, 0 dosh, 2 rooms, is not bintycoon sorry.

about: level 65, 243860 mulch, 24 dosh, all rooms, is bintycoon.
P: ruby