Manager Mountain Lion

  • The Mountain Lion Workshop is held every three years sanctioned by WAFWA. The workshop provides a forum where leading mountain lion managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of mountain lion management throughout North America.
  • In this screencast tutorial I cover how to set up Profile Manager in Mountain Lion Server 10.8. I talk about the many uses of Profile Manager, walking throug.

Recently I had the pleasure of migrating an OSX Lion server to Mountain Lion. It’s primary function was an MDM server for Apple devices. Basically, the upgrade process involves upgrading to Mountain Lion followed by installing the updated Lion Server app.

Manager Mountain Lion

Primarily, my interactions with the Apple Server have been for Profile Manager functionality. In Lion, the Profile Manager utilized a PostgreSQL backend with a datastore located in /usr/share/devicemgr/backend/. iOS applications and other push to device material were located in the ‘/backend/file_store/’ directory named as their MD5 checksum equivalent. Logs for the devicemgr service were located in the ‘/backend/logs/’ directory.

In Mountain Lion Server, what used to be located in /usr/share/ is now packed into the Server Application itself. For example, the same ‘/devicemgr/backend/’ is now located at ‘/Applications/’. The iOS applications and other push material are now located at ‘/var/devicemgr/ServiceData/Data/FileStore/’.

This knowledge is critical if you encounter an issue with the Profile Manager; there is not much info to go on if you have a problem. In Lion, I had seen cases where the Profile Manager would for an unknown reason delete applications I was trying to push, causing managed devices to be unable to receive the application.

In the case of Mountain Lion Server, I encountered the following issue with devices post-upgrade when trying to upload an updated version of an application.

This question already has answers here: Closed 7 years ago. I recently moved from Linux to Mac, and am missing a two pane file manager. I was thinking about along the lines of midnight commander, krusader (Linux) or total commander (Windows). I installed midnight commander and am using it, but a GUI file manager would sometimes be handy.

Manager Mountain Lion

To me, this sounded like a nonexistent remnant of Lion was being referenced to. To some people, this might sound like a good time to reset the Profile Manager with the script. However, this would require you to rejoin all devices to the MDM. In this case, there was only a single application which the MDM was being used to deploy, so I figured I would try clearing the Postgres tables containing the application information and see what happened. After running the following commands, I was able to upload my application and push without the ‘undefined method’ error as show above.

A trail runner in Utah experienced a terrifying encounter with a mother mountain lion that stalked him on a trail for six minutes, lunging him at least three times.

Kyle Burgess was on a two-mile run up Slate Canyon near Provo on Saturday evening when he encountered four small animals crossing the trail ahead of him, according to the Deseret News.

At first, he thought they were bobcats, so he pulled out his phone and started recording. Moments later, the mother mountain lion came into view and that started a scary retreat he captured in video.

The entire video can be seen on his YouTube channel. ABC News tweeted a shortened version that showed the most frightening moments:

'My heart is racing.'

Mountain lion pictures

Utah hiker's video shows cougar following him down the trail, lunging at him several times, before finally running away.

— ABC News (@ABC) October 12, 2020

Burgess kept talking to the mountain lion and maintained eyesight while backing away as the cougar kept its pace walking toward him.

“I don’t feel like dying today,” he says in the video. “Go get your babies…This is scary. My heart is racing…Come on dude…Go with your babies, you’re not getting me, dude.”

Finally, Burgess managed to bend down to pick up a rock and hurl it at the mountain, hitting it and sending it running back down the trail.

But the ordeal wasn’t finished. Burgess still had to go down the way the lion went to get to the trailhead, otherwise he faced a 7-mile run the other way on the 10-mile loop.

So, after a 30-minute wait and armed with a stick and a rock, he started back down the trail. He then encountered some hikers and asked if they had seen a mountain lion. They laughed at him, until he showed them the video.

In the end, he made it back safely without seeing the mountain lion again.

Scott Root, conservation outreach manager for Utah’s Division of Wildlife Resources, told Burgess on Monday, “You did great. You did awesome.” Root told the Deseret News Burgess did almost everything right.

“He backed away,” Root said. “He didn’t go toward the mountain lion or her kittens. He made a lot of noise…He stayed large, he stayed loud and he backed away from the area for quite a while. I think he did everything really well.”

The one thing Root said Burgess should have done was not run alone and maybe carry bear spray.

Manager Mountain Lion Club

Manager Mountain Lion

“In that situation, with that mother mountain lion who’s being very protective, as you can tell, I would not take my eyes off of her and I wouldn’t bend down,” Root said. “You want to remain large and you want to remain making a lot of noise. And that’s what he did.”

Bending down to pick up a rock could trigger an attack response, Root said.

Burgess told the Deseret News, “My emotions were a jumbled mess. So it was kind of like…‘K, well this is going one of two ways. What’s the outcome going to be?’”

Mountain Lion Tracks

Fortunately it was a good one.