Opengl 4.3

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7.8.2012OpenGL (4.3) compute shader example
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  • Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Windows): OpenGL 4.3.0 - Build 10.; nvoglv64.dll (9.), nvoglv32.dll (9.) Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Windows).
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NVIDIA provides full OpenGL 4.6 support and functionality on NVIDIA GeForce and Quadro graphics card with one of the following Turing, Volta, Pascal, Maxwell (first or second generation) or Kepler based GPUs: GeForce RTX: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, GeForce RTX 2080, GeForce RTX 2070, GeForce RTX 2060. GeForce GTX: GeForce GTX 1660 Ti, GeForce GTX. I pre-ordered the 8th edition of the Red Book and will be learning OpenGL 4.3 from it soon. However, I read on Wikipedia that the supported video cards for OpenGL 4.3 is GeForce 400 series at the minimum. Does this mean that I will need one of the supported video cards to do simple tasks in OpenGL 4.3 such as drawing a cube, or will I only be restricted to certain features without one of the.

OpenGL (4.3) compute shader example


OpenGL 4.3 was released yesterday, and among the larger updates were compute shaders.Today, since I couldn't find a tutorial/example on google, I'm going to show you how to use them.

Compute shaders in the pipeline

The important thing to note is that while the other shaders have a fixed execution order, compute shaders can essentially alter any data anywhere.Shader objects within a program object are implicitly pipelined after another, and a program object is 'ready to go' as it is.Compute shaders cannot be baked into a program object alongside other shaders as their execution order is not fixed.Instead, compute shaders have to be placed into program objects by themselves and the application has to instruct OpenGL about the execution order explicitly by switching on and off the compute shader program object and calling DispatchCompute*() to run the compute shaders.

OpenGL compute shaders are GLSL and similar to other shaders: you can read textures, images, and buffers and write images and buffers.Just like with other GPGPU implementations, threads are grouped into work groups and one compute shader invocation processes a bunch of work groups.The work group size is specified along with the kernel source code, and the number of work groups launched is given by the application as arguments to DispatchCompute*().


You should know when to choose a compute shader over the other shaders for your algorithm (this is not one such example). The reasons to use GPGPU are universal and have nothing to do with OpenGL compute shaders specifically.

You can grab the full example program here, but the important files are main.cpp and opengl_cs.cpp.In main.cpp we create an OpenGL 4.3 context (I'm being strict and using a forward-compatible core profile, but you don't have to), a texture for the compute shader to write and the fragment shader to read, and two program objects. One object is for the compute shader and the other is for rendering (vertex + fragment shaders). After that we go into a loop where we update a counter in the compute shader, fill in the texture (as image2D), and blit the texture onto the screen.

#include 'opengl.h'
GLuint renderHandle, computeHandle;
void updateTex(int);
void draw();
int main() {
GLuint texHandle = genTexture();
renderHandle = genRenderProg(texHandle);
computeHandle = genComputeProg(texHandle);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
void updateTex(int frame) {
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(computeHandle, 'roll'), (float)frame*0.01f);
glDispatchCompute(512/16, 512/16, 1); // 512^2 threads in blocks of 16^2
checkErrors('Dispatch compute shader');
void draw() {
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
checkErrors('Draw screen');

The compute shader set-up should look familiar as it's just another shader. (There are some specifics which are documented in the GLSLang specification.)

#include 'opengl.h'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
GLuint genComputeProg(GLuint texHandle) {
// Creating the compute shader, and the program object containing the shader
GLuint progHandle = glCreateProgram();
GLuint cs = glCreateShader(GL_COMPUTE_SHADER);
// In order to write to a texture, we have to introduce it as image2D.
// local_size_x/y/z layout variables define the work group size.
// gl_GlobalInvocationID is a uvec3 variable giving the global ID of the thread,
// gl_LocalInvocationID is the local index within the work group, and
// gl_WorkGroupID is the work group's index
constchar *csSrc[] = {
'#version 430n',
'uniform float roll;
uniform image2D destTex;
layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;
void main() {
ivec2 storePos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
float localCoef = length(vec2(ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy)-8)/8.0);
float globalCoef = sin(float(gl_WorkGroupID.x+gl_WorkGroupID.y)*0.1 + roll)*0.5;
imageStore(destTex, storePos, vec4(1.0-globalCoef*localCoef, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
glShaderSource(cs, 2, csSrc, NULL);
int rvalue;
glGetShaderiv(cs, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &rvalue);
if (!rvalue) {
fprintf(stderr, 'Error in compiling the compute shadern');
GLchar log[10240];
GLsizei length;
glGetShaderInfoLog(cs, 10239, &length, log);
fprintf(stderr, 'Compiler log:n%sn', log);
glAttachShader(progHandle, cs);
glGetProgramiv(progHandle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &rvalue);
if (!rvalue) {
fprintf(stderr, 'Error in linking compute shader programn');
GLchar log[10240];
GLsizei length;
glGetProgramInfoLog(progHandle, 10239, &length, log);
fprintf(stderr, 'Linker log:n%sn', log);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(progHandle, 'destTex'), 0);
checkErrors('Compute shader');
return progHandle;

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Opengl 4.3 Support

But why did Khronos introduce compute shaders in OpenGL when they already had OpenCL and its OpenGL interoperability API?Well, OpenCL (and CUDA) are aimed for heavyweight GPGPU projects and offer more features. Also, OpenCL can run on many different types of hardware (apart from GPUs), which makes the API thick and complicated compared to light compute shaders.Finally, the explicit synchronization between OpenGL and OpenCL/CUDA is troublesome to do without crudely blocking (some of the required extensions are not even supported yet). With compute shaders, however, OpenGL is aware of all the dependencies and can schedule things smarter. This aspect of overhead might, in the end, be the most significant benefit for graphics algorithms which often execute for less than a millisecond.


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