Crossover Run Exe Files On

Wine: Installation / Configuration / Use with Microsoft Office 2000

The Wine compatibility layer is an implementation of theMicrosoft API on X-Windows which allow Linux to run Microsoft Windowsapplication. The limitation is that since the Microsoft applicationshave been compiled to run on Intel 32 bitarchitectures, Wine is limited to the same architecture. The executablewill run natively in Linux. Wine is NOT a virtual machine. Thus Winedoes NOT read each binary instruction.Wine does NOT require the installation of the Microsoft Windowsoperating system.The Microsoft Windows application will run on Linux executing its Intelbinary instructions. The Wine compatibility layer is invoked every timethe application makes a call to a Microsoft Windows API function. Winewill handle the call and make the appropriate X-Window call to displayor render the appropriate graphics.

This particular example is for Wine version 0.9.42 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, but other versions of Linux should be similar.

Wine Installation: (as root)

This article will teach you two important methods on How to run Windows executable (Exe) files on Mac without Windows. It’s possible to safely open and run EXE files on your Mac using mediums like Boot Camp, Remote Desktop, CrossOver, Virtual Machine and WINE, to mention the most prominent ones. Thanks to modern technologies like Wine, using Windows programs on Linux works pretty well. However, Wine isn’t exactly user-friendly, and often users have t. After you open the file, you will be able to use the Windows app Notepad on your Linux machine. Since Wine doesn’t always run the latest version of Windows apps and some run sluggishly, you might want to consider using CrossOver. Use CrossOver In Ubuntu Distribution. CrossOver is a commercial product from CodeWeavers.

  • Download Wine packages:wine binary downloads

    Red Hat Wine RPM packages: Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS downloads

    • wine: Empty but contains dependency information
    • wine-core: Wine core package
    • wine-capi: ISDN support for wine
    • wine-cms: Color Management for wine
    • wine-devel: Wine development environment
    • wine-esd: ESD sound support for wine
    • wine-jack: JACK sound support for wine
    • wine-ldap: LDAP support for wine
    • wine-nas: NAS sound support for wine
    • wine-tools: Additional wine tools
    • wine-twain: Twain support for wine
    All packages were required to support dependencies.
  • Install Wine:
    • Red Hat: rpm -ivh wine-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpmwine-core-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpm wine-docs-0.9.42-1.el5.noarch.rpmwine-tools-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpm wine-capi-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpmwine-jack-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpm wine-cms-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpmwine-esd-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpm wine-ldap-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpmwine-nas-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpm wine-twain-0.9.42-1.el5.i386.rpm
      (EPEL: Extra Packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Wine for RHEL/CentOS 5/6)
      or YUM: yum install wine
    • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install wine
      Configuring the APT repository for obtaining Wine
  • Wine Configuration: (install to users home directory)
    Note: By default, Wine installs to the user's home directory. This is aproblem for many users connected to a file server. Both a user's homedirectory installation and a site wide installation are covered.
    • Configure with Wine GUI tool: /usr/bin/winecfg
      By default this will create the directory ~/userX/.wine/ and the following:
      • sub-directories:
        • ~/.wine/dosdevices/
        • ~/.wine/drive_c/
          Your 'C:' drive will be located here.
      • And config files:
        • system.reg
        • userdef.reg
        • user.reg
    • Device configuration: By default, winecfg will generate your devices such as your 'C:' drive, CD-ROM 'D:', etc
      While your devices are configured automatically, you can manually add devices. eg:
      • Com port: ln -s /dev/ttyS0 com1
      • Printer: ln -s /dev/lp0 lpt1
      Linux CUPS printing should auto-configure and work.
  • Edit ~/.wine/system.reg to set the application owner and organization. This is specified in two locations. Edit both:

System wide installation for all users:

If your system configuration has a large number of users connected to afile server, network traffic due to application loading could becomehuge as well as the disk space employed to install a copy of Wine andall of the MS/Windows applications duplicated for each user. For suchsystems it is best to install a single copy of a Wine configurationwith applications in a systems area.
  • Set the environment variable for the administrator (root) and all users: export WINEPREFIX=/opt/wine
  • Execute the command: wineprefixcreate
  • Then execute: winecfg
Installing MS/Office 2000

Insert the CD-ROM and execute the following command to launch the MS/Office installer:

  • Installing MS Office 2003: wine /media/cdrecorder/setup.exe
  • Installing MS Office XP: wine /media/cdrecorder/SETUPPRO.EXE
  • Installing MS Office 2000: /media/cdrecorder/setuppro.exe

I found that the only version of MS/Office which will installproperly under Wine 0.9.42, was MS/Office 2000. Check the Wine list ofworking applications as success is kernel and release specific.

  • Launch MS/Office 2000 installer: /media/cdrecorder/setuppro.exe
  • Follow installation sequence:
  • Run Microsoft Office applications on Linux:
    • MS/Word:
      • Default location: wine ~/.wine//drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/WINWORD.EXE
      • Alternate location: wine /opt/WINE/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/WINWORD.EXE
    • MS/Excel:
      • Default location: wine ~/.wine//drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/EXCEL.EXE
      • Alternate location: wine /opt/WINE/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/EXCEL.EXE
    • MS/Powerpoint:
      • Default location: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/POWERPNT.EXE
      • Alternate location: wine /opt/WINE/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/POWERPNT.EXE
    • The package 'wine-tools' comes with notepad (/usr/bin/notepad).
  • Man pages available: wine, wineserver, wineprefixcreate
  • Microsoft Office can be uninstalled using the GUI program: uninstaller
  • A Wine version of 'regedit' is used to manually edit the registry. In fact it looks and operates just like the MS/Windows version of 'regedit'.
    Command: /usr/bin/regedit
  • If you install IE or Quicktime, these applications will install a'Control Panel' application made accessible using the command 'wine control'.
  • 'wineserver' usually gets started automatically by Winewhenever the first wine process gets started. It can also leave a'stuck' process. Cleanup as follows:
    List 'wineserver' processes: ps auxw | grep wine wineserver -k[n] Kill the current wineserver, optionally with signal n.
    wineserver -k29604
    Other processes to watch for/kill: explorer.exe
  • Winprefix can be used for a single application installation which would be separate than other Wine/MS application installations:
    • mkdir appname
    • WINEPREFIX='/home/userX/appname' wineprefixcreate
      This will create a directory called /home/userX/appname. In this directory you will find a fake Windows drive and the Wine configuration files system.reg and user.reg.
    • Command to install the application: WINEPREFIX='appname' wine setup.exe
    • Run application: WINEPREFIX='/home/userX/appname' wine ~/appname/drive_c/Program Files/app/appname.exe
  • For a fresh copy of the default config file:
    cp /usr/share/doc/wine-xxxxxxxx/samples/config ~/.wine/config
  • To fix CD-ROM drive recognition problems, edit file /etc/fstab or use mount command: mount -t iso9660 -o ro,unhide /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom
    Add the parameter 'unhide'.
  • Legacy Wine - Install Microsoft Office:
    • cd /mnt/cdrom
    • wine INSTALL.EXE
    • DLLOVERRIDES='ole32=n;oleaut32=n;rpcrt4=n' wine INSTALL.EXE
  • WineTools: Menu driven Wine configuration tool and installer for Microsoft Windows applications.
    Make a note of which version of Wine should be used with will release newer versions of Wine which are notcompatable.
    rpm -ivh winetools-2.1.2-jo.i386.rpm
  • Download and install xdialog. (Required for WineTools)
    rpm -ivh xdialog-2.1.2-1.1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm
  • WineTools: Wine configuration tool - I could not get this to work at all!!!
    • Fedora Core users: Turn off pre-linking (as root)
      • prelink -uav
      • rm -f /etc/prelink.cache
      To turn back on: /etc/cron.daily/prelink
    • True type font (.ttf) files can be placed in .../drive_c/windows/fonts/
    • Start Wine configuration program as regular user: /usr/local/bin/wt2
    • Select 'OK' to get to 'Base setup'.
      Select each item and then 'OK'. Only one language needs to be selected.
      Note: True Type Arial font installation requires an internet connection. - Don't do this step!!!
  • When launching WineTools, the dialog box will directlyspecify the compatable versions of Wine. This is not necessarily insync with the web page which lists compatability for a given version ofWineTools and maybe not for the version you are using. This is aproblem you may run into if upgrading Wine from source.

Wine Links:

  • WineTools home page (winecfg)
  • - Wine info
  • News group:
  • IRC: #WineHQ
Running Microsoft Office 2000 on Linux using Codeweavers Crosover (2.0.1) version of Wine:

The only way to run some of the advanced and more complex MS/Windows XPgames and aplications with Wine, is with the commercial product,Code Weavers Crossover version of Wine. You can try the 14 day trial versionfor free. Installation of Wine and Microsoft Office 2003 and 2000 are covered below.Note that Outlook requires the following instructions to operate properly asOutlook needs MS/Explorer in order to provide all the proper libraries.This product allows seamless integration of Microsoft applications on Linux.

Codeweaver Crossover and Microsoft Office 2000 Installation:

  • As root install Crossover RPM: [prompt]# rpm -ivh cxoffice-2.0.1-1.i386.rpm
    or install from install shell script for Linux distributions which do not support RPMs.
    Installs to: /opt/cxoffice/
    Docs: /opt/cxoffice/README, /opt/cxoffice/doc/index.html
    Uninstall: /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxuninstall
  • Start/prepare Crossover: (login as user)
    • Start Crossover Office Setup (2.0.1)
      • [prompt]$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxsetup
      • Next
    • Proxy setup if required:
      • Select 'Use HTTP Proxy'
      • Host:
      • Port: 80
  • Install Office 2000: Run Microsoft Office setup installer program.
    • Select 'Microsoft Office 2000'
    • New Software: Select Install
      Select 'Microsoft Office 2000'
    • Install from 'Microsoft Office installation CD' or choose 'Alternate CD-Rom location'
      (Note: You have the option of installing from sources other than the CD. i.e. shared drive. See the Yolinux Microsoft network integration tutorial if you need to mount a MS/Windows file server.)
      Press 'OK'
  • Now MS Windows Installer pops up. Install Office 2000.
    • Enter: Name, initials, organization and CD key.
      (Note: You may have to enter the letters of the license key as lower case letters.)
    • Accept license
    • Install default to 'Program Files'
  • Install 'DECOM95'
    • Click Install
    • Select '*DECOM95'
    • Select radio button 'Advanced Install'.
    • Install file: /mnt/cdrom/IE5/EN/DECOM95.EXE
  • Install IE:
    • Install
    • Check the checkbox labeled 'Install unsupported software'
    • Other exe file: /mnt/cdrom/IE5/EN/IE5SETUP.EXE
    • Yes resume setup
    • Finish
Note: The Microsoft Office installation wizard will display a pop-up message box requesting:'reboot computer'. This is a message for users of the Microsoft operatingsystem which require a reboot to read the new registry settings. This is NOTrequired for Linux users. Do not reboot your system. Crossover will perform arestart of it's software which will re-read the Windows applications registry.

Configure/Run Microsoft Application: Outlook

  • Configure:
    • Select 'Menus' tab and select Outlook icon
      or use regular applications start menu.
  • Run:
    • Outlook startup: Email service options: Corporate or Workgroup
    • Inbox Setup wizard: Select 'Microsoft Exchange Server'
    • Settings:
      MS Exchange Server: Node-Name-Of-Server
      Mailbox: login-user-id
    • Travel: No
    • Exchange server
    • User: login-user-id
      Domain: WINDOWS-DOMAIN
If you do not install IE5, Outlook will not work. Microsoft Internet Exploreris not installed as part of the Microsoft Office installation and must beinstalled separately.

Cutting and pasting between Linux X-Windows and Microsoft Windows applications:

  • MS/Windows to X/Windows:
    Cut in MS/Windows: Select text then ctrl-C (copy) or Cnlt-X (cut)
    Paste in X/Windows: press middle mouse button. (both left and right at the same time if using a two button mouse emulating a three button mouse)
  • X/Windows to MS/Windows:
    Cut in X/Windows: Select text (left mouse button pressed from start oftext to end of text, or double click to grab single word or trippleclick to grab entire line of text.)
    Paste in MS/Windows: ctrl-V


  • Microsoft applications running on Crossover Office will not view Linux file/directory soft links in the file selection browser.
  • Starting Windows Media Player: $HOME/.cxoffice/.cxoffice-app-3 ms-windows-media-video-file.wmv
  • I had NO luck trying to even launch let alone runMS/Project 2000 with Crossover 2.0 but it works great with the newCrossover 3.0!!!!.
  • Script to start Microsoft Visio: /opt/bin/Start-Visio Visio desktop launcher:
    • FC 3: $HOME/Desktop/Visio.desktop
    • RH 7/8/9: $HOME/.gnome-desktop/Visio.desktop
    Visio Tip: A screen repaint is often necessary after animage translation using the scrollbar. I create an extra sheet. Iselect the second sheet and then return to the sheet I'm working on toforce a repaint the screen.


  • Turn off the 'Office Assistant' paperclip.

How To Run Exe File In Mac

Crossover Wine (2.1.0):

  • I found that I had to remove the previous versions of the files /opt/cxoffice/bin/wineserver, /opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader and /opt/cxoffice/lib/xml/ in order to have a flawless upgrade.
  • Un-zip and install from a directory other than your target destination directory.

Crossover Upgrade (3.0):rpm -Uvh --force xoffice--------.rpm

Change Note: The opperation of Linux cut and paste has switched to a more Microsoft Windows like buffer interface. In Crossover 2.X one could cut into the regular X-Windowcopy/cut buffer with the left mouse button and then paste in the Crossover 2.Xapplication with the traditional ctrl-V. The X-Window applications now haveto support a special non-X-Window controlled cut buffer. For exampleMozilla supports the Linux ctrl-C/ctrl-X copy/cut buffer. The GNOME terminalsupports copy/cut with shift-ctrl-C/shift-ctrl-X. These Linux buffers can be exchanged with a Crossover 3.0 application.The traditional X-Window copy/cut buffer can no longer be exchanged with Crossover controlled applications.

  • DOSemu - DOS emulator installation and configuration
  • DOSemu HOWTO - Mike Deisher
  • Plex86 - Run Linux and Microsoft Windows at the same time using concurrent virtual machines.
  • - Open Source Software ported to Windows and other proprietary OS's.

YoLinux Links:

Crossover Run Exe Files Only


Crossover Run Exe Files On Windows 10

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